Useful Magazines for IT Professionals
- CIO Magazine
- Infosecurity Group Magazine
- Wired
- Redmond Magazine
- Fast Company
In the tech industry, part of every job includes staying up to date on the latest developments according to Forbes, and one of the main tips their Technology Council offers is to find trusted sources to regularly follow, like information technology magazines. While some publications provide a broad picture of the tech world, others are very specialized, focusing only on a certain operating system or sector of IT. The five magazines listed below are popular among IT professionals.
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CIO Magazine
This is a popular IT source for professionals looking to advance their careers. Named after a prominent technology position, chief information officer, the publication discusses the business, leadership, and team-building aspects of a career in tech and offers guidance on ways to increase innovative thinking in a company. This magazine also provides career advancement information relating to the benefits of different certifications, interview tips both for interviewers and interviewees, and methods of integrating technology into all aspects of a business. The CIO is published quarterly online.
Infosecurity Group Magazine
In the IT world, security is one of the primary concerns throughout the industry, especially because there is a segment of IT experts, hackers, who actively look for ways to break into private networks. Cybersecurity is an increasing concern not just for large corporations or financial firms but also in regards to things like private healthcare data and even national elections. The Infosecurity Group publishes this magazine for IT professionals four times a year featuring important new developments in data and identity protection as well as in network, cloud, and mobile security. They also describe new cybercrime techniques like malware and ransomware. The editors work to share timely tips to prevent widespread data breaches.
Published monthly, online and in print, this information technology magazine helps industry professionals see beyond the programming and design problems they deal with on a day-to-day basis to see the big picture. The magazine focuses on the ways in which technological advancements are changing society and what that means for the future. This magazine showcases how IT is fusing with many other industries, especially as big data and analysis grows as an independent field. Self-driving vehicles, 3-D printed construction methods, and telemedicine trends are some examples of topics closely followed by Wired editors. The magazine also includes articles about news stories, movies, and even sports from a technologic point of view.
Redmond Magazine
This is the leading IT magazine that focuses specifically on the Windows platform with a target audience of managers as well as network and system administrators. The editors work to consistently introduce new technologies and demonstrate how these advancements can be integrated into current Microsoft systems. A new issue of Redmond Magazine comes out monthly in both printed and digital formats. Some of the principal topic areas include security, Windows servers, cloud technologies, active directory work, and Office SharePoint updates.
Fast Company
This magazine began in 1995 as a medium for sharing new ideas in business. However, since innovation in business is directly connected to technology, it is a must-read for IT professionals looking to expand their careers. The Fast Company magazine often runs stories about the areas where business and tech intersect like trends in product design and user experience as well as popular gadgets and digital marketing strategies. Each of the ten issues per year includes a feature highlighting a particularly successful entrepreneur or creative individual along with tips on productivity and work/life balance.
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These are just a handful of the many technology publications. Regardless of individual specialty or personal taste, all professionals can find an information technology magazine that is a valuable resource for staying relevant in an ever-changing field.