Peer Pressure Can Be Tough To Handle
Peer pressure can be tough to deal with, especially when you are a teenager or in your college years. The desire to fit in and feel like you are part of a group is completely normal, and most people feel this way their entire lives. The important thing about peer pressure is that it can sometimes be positive, but other times it can be a bad influence in our lives. Combating the pressure of your peers can be challenging but it's essential that you know what your own personal values are and where you stand about certain things.
Fighting Peer Pressure
One of the ways you can fight peer pressure is to be involved in a group of friends who are focused on their schooling, and even join a club or sports team. Stay busy and avoid parties where you think drinking and drugs might be involved. Instead, order a pizza and have some friends over for a movie night. Pressure can be in the form of drug or alcohol use, sexual pressure, the pressure to do something wrong like commit vandalism, or even something like bullying.
The Difference With College
When you're in college, it can be harder to avoid peer pressure since you're on your own, an adult, and maybe even living away from home. Your parents are no longer there to watch over you, and ultimately you will be responsible for the decisions you make. If you ever feel pressured to do something you don't like or do not want to do, simply tell the person pressuring you "thanks but no thanks" and move on. If you end up in a situation where you feel uncomfortable, graciously leave the situation and go home. If you're involved in a more complicated or even dangerous situation, talk to an adult you trust like your parents, your professor, or even the police if you feel the need. You can always stay anonymous if you go to the police. Always remember that you will deal with the consequences of your own actions, so avoiding peer pressure is a good way to stay out of trouble and keep your life on track.
Resources On Dealing With College Peer Pressure
- Peer Pressure and Alcohol Use - This article discusses the struggle many college students face when dealing with the pressure to drink alcohol.
- Handling Peer Pressure in College - Read here to learn about how you can deal with peer pressure while in college.
- Why Fitting in Can Hurt - Sometimes giving in to peer pressure can do more harm than good. Read here to learn how fitting in with others can be harmful at times.
- Peer Pressure Drives College Drinking - Many college students drink just because their friends do. This can be very dangerous and harmful. Read more to learn how peer pressure influences students to drink.
- Peer Pressure and Our Brains - Discover the science behind peer pressure and how it affects our brains.
- Peer Pressure Basics - Learn more about peer pressure, what it is, and how to handle it.
- Why Peer Pressure can Work - This page talks about how and why peer pressure works on most people and how it can influence people.
- Influence of Peer Pressure on Teens and Decision Making - Read here to understand how peer pressure can change the way teenagers make important decisions.
- Aspects of Peer Pressure - Here is a quick overview of peer pressure that also includes some examples of what positive peer pressure is.
- Avoiding Peer Pressure to Drink - This is an excellent article written from the perspective of a college student and how she deals with the pressures of drinking while in college.
- Managing Peer Pressure to Drink - Learn more about how you can handle the difficulty of pressure from others to drink.
- How College Life can Change You - Read this article to understand how negative peer pressure can actually change you while in college.
- Peer Pressure Facts - Here is a good overview of some facts relating to peer pressure, designed for teens and young adults.
- Teens and Peer Pressure - This page features some interesting statistics and information relating to teens and peer pressure.
- Smoking and Peer Pressure - Often, teens and college students face peer pressure about smoking. Read here to learn more.
- Dealing with Peer Pressure - Learn more about how you can deal with the effects and emotional turmoil of peer pressure.
- Taking the Pressure out of Peer Pressure and Underage Drinking - This article explores how teenagers can pressure others to drink, and how to deal with it.
- Positive Peer Pressure - Sometimes, you can use peer pressure to be a positive influence instead of a negative one.